Our Academy participates in VotesforSchools, which supports our PSHE, SMSC, British Values and Prevent curriculum. This program provides us with weekly resources that helps teachers spark discussions about important topics. While most of the issues focus on Britain, some are relevant to the wider world. The topics addressed are always suitable for our age group, ranging from serious matters like extremism to exciting subjects like space travel. This variety keeps students engaged and informed.
During each session, students learn to listen to different viewpoints, engage in debate and then cast their votes on the topic discussed. This active participation helps them develop critical thinking skills and understand the importance of civic engagement. After the votes are cast, our Academy’s results are uploaded to VotesforSchools. This connection allows us to see how our thoughts compare with those of pupils across the country, giving us a broader perspective on various issues.
VotesforSchools is empowering for our pupils, encouraging them to express their opinions on various topics. By participating, they become more confident in speaking out about what matters to them. The program also ensures that all students have access to high-quality discussions on British values, allowing them to understand the significance of them in their lives. This consistent approach fosters a respectful environment where they can learn from each other and grow as responsible citizens.
For more information on VotesforSchools please visit their website by clicking here.
To view the 2024 – 2025 Key Themes “Votetopic Calendar” and the 2024 – 2025 Awareness Days and Events Calendar please click the links below:
Votetopic Calendar
Awareness Day and Events Calendar
More information can also be found HERE