At Ormiston New Academy Sixth form, we facilitate and encourage a learning experience, which provides students with the opportunity to achieve their personal best. Our values of Pride, Endeavour and Collaboration will give students the currency needed to access and be successful in 21st Century life.
We want students to be proud. Proud in their appearance, proud of their work and for some, proud to represent the football and basketball academy. To achieve success, both personally and academically, it’s so important that students display endeavour in order to flourish and achieve their potential. Students collaborate as part of a community and this team creates leaders, who are positive role models for both the younger members of the school but also for members of the local community.
Our Sixth Form students experience a knowledge-rich curriculum, which provides them with cultural and societal frameworks with which they can understand and engage with the world in which they live. The journey in our sixth form fully prepares students for the world of work, university or an apprenticeship and we hope that you have found what you are looking for.