
Programme at NEW6

We have an extensive careers programme at NEW6. As well as weekly Information and Careers Guidance tutorial sessions, we expect students to undertake work experience and online courses to prepare them for university or an alternative pathway. We also conduct a 10-week programme to help with the university application process, promote apprenticeship/work opportunities through our independent career’s advisor, and monitor any students without a plan at the end of Year 13, to ensure they leave us having started their career path.

Work Experience

All Year 12 students are expected to organise and complete a work experience placement during the first week of July. The purpose of this is to develop skills and gain experience in fields of employment that they may wish to pursue. University admissions departments and employers also wish to see evidence of this experience to support your application in that chosen area.

Careers Support

Students are able to discuss career options with a Connections personal advisor. To make an appointment you can contact [email protected]

Students can also speak to their form tutor, Mr Weston or Mr Willaims for additional advice and guidance.

Other helpful information on careers can be found on our Academy careers page.