Admissions Criteria


(As defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989). Priority will be given to a child who is in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by that authority.

Whether there are specific medical or social circumstances that can be met only by the child’s attendance at the academy.

Whether siblings attend the academy and will still be attending the academy at the time of admissions. For admission purposes, a sibling is a child who resides at the same address as the child for whom a place is being requested, and is one of the following:

  • Brother/sister
  • Half-brother/sister (i.e. share one common parent)
  • Stepbrother/sister (i.e. related by a parent’s marriage)
  • Any other child for whom it can be demonstrated that he/she is residing permanently at the same address (e.g. under the terms of a residence order).
  • The sibling connection only applies where families have a sibling attending the academy at the time of the application as well as at the time of admission.

How close the child lives to the academy, with those living closest to the academy getting the highest priority. The measurement between home and academy will be determined by a straight line measurement from the designated seed point of the home address to the designated seed point of the nearest academy site using the authority’s computerised system.