University Applications

At NEW6, students are provided with individual advice and support with their UCAS applications to ensure they have every chance of being successful. Students receive a range of lessons which are designed to offer guidance and support on future courses, university destinations and student finance.

We provide students with information on all University open days across the UK along with appropriate careers conventions and job opportunities. Business relationships are important because they increase the opportunity for students to get work-related experiences which will strengthen their CVs in a time of high competition for the best university places and job training.

We take great pride in the support we provide to ensure that every student gets the most professional and informed guidance for their future careers.

NEW6 has established relationships with numerous academic institutions and the KS5 Pastoral Manager sends out weekly updates with new schemes, initiatives, and enrichment programmes that may be of interest to a Sixth Form student.

Information For Current Students

To apply for university, students need to create an account at as an ‘undergraduate student’. Then select the year they will be entering Higher Education to start the application. During the application, it is important they select ‘apply through school’. They will be asked for a Buzzword to link your account to school which they can get from their form tutor.

Here is a list of dates that we work with for our application process

  • 15th May: we begin the process of applying in May of Year 12. This is to ensure students use the time before the final application deadline effectively to make both the right decisions and the best applications possible.
  • 15th June: students create an account and fill in all personal details.
  • 15th July: students have a rough first draft of their application. Students applying for medicine or to Oxford/Cambridge need to have most of their application complete due to the earlier deadline for this entrance exams also need to be booked.
  • 15th September: students to have started their Personal Statement.
  • 15th October: official UCAS deadline for applications to medicine, or Oxford/Cambridge. All other students submit their first draft and collect references from their teachers.
  • 15th November: final draft for Personal Statements and all references submitted to tutor.
  • 15th December: applications submitted.
  • 15th January: final official UCAS deadline for all university courses.
Student Finance

Student Finance opens around March for Year 13 students. Students need to apply with parents/carers via:

Students with non-British passports or international status may need to provide additional evidence, so please apply as early as possible.

Please note, staff at NEW6 cannot speak on behalf of university applicants and therefore all students should speak to the ‘Admissions’ department of their university if they have any further queries about their applications.