Please read through the prospectus carefully so that an informed decision can be made. If there any questions, please speak to your form tutor or a member of the Sixth Form pastoral team. Alternatively, please contact us on 07766 608668 or email the KS5 Pastoral Office Mr A Williams [email protected] or Associate Assistant Principal – 6th Form Mr M Weston [email protected]
Fill out the application form. If there any questions, please speak to your form tutor or a member of the Sixth Form pastoral team. Alternatively, please contact us on the details above.
Applicants will be invited to attend an interview with a member of the Sixth Form team to discuss the application, predicted grades and career aspirations.
Conditional offers will be sent out in the post detailing the subjects selected for the Programme of study along with the entry requirements for each subject.
Attend the Induction day in June/July.
Enrolment on GCSE Results day