Life as a Sixth Form Student

Meet the Team

The Sixth form pastoral team are dedicated to maximising the potential of every student so they achieve their full potential and flourish, both personally and academically. We have a skilled team of staff who manage and support students at our school. They are

Mr M Weston
Associate Assistant Principal – 6th Form
Miss K Dingley
Assistant Head of Sixth Form
Mr A William
Pastoral Officer Sixth Form
Mr G Forsyth
Lead Football Academy Coach

As part of PRIDE, we have cultural norms for both in and out of lessons, which help guide students and facilitate academic excellence.

Attendance and Punctuality are integral parts of education and these are reviewed weekly and if students fall below 95%, they will be referred to our attendance monitoring programme. 

Independent study periods

When students aren’t in lessons, they are expected to complete independent study periods where they show endeavour and engagement in completing work, research and revision for subjects within their programme of study.

Other tasks that can be completed during this time include:

  • Teacher-set tasks, essays, research, exams questions.
  • Revisiting/rewriting class notes to consolidate learning from the start.
  • Wider reading – reading around topics/subjects to develop understanding or reading ahead.
  • Watching a documentary or DVD related to your subject/topic and making notes.
  • Reading a newspaper article relevant to your subject.
  • Applying for university or working towards the application.
  • Applying for university or working towards the application.
  • Completing online courses, work experience, or gaining experience to improve career aspirations.


As part of our commitment to balancing the demands of a Key Stage 5 programme of study, we have introduced Wellbeing Wednesday, which gives our students ring fenced time every Wednesday afternoon to pursue an enrichment activity of their choice. We provide the students with the time, they choose how they want to grow.

Activities include:

  • Representing the Football Academy in the AOC league.
  • Representing the Basketball Academy in the AOC league.
  • Gold DofE Award .
  • Various Sporting Enrichment activities (Table tennis, Dodgeball, Badminton, Cricket, Rounders).
  • Music Clubs.
  • Board games/ Card games/ Chess.
  • Extended Project.
  • Completing online courses.

Home Study

As part of our support package, we offer all students the opportunity to earn home study. Students who are currently on track in all subjects, have good attendance, good punctuality, have complied with all sixth form expectations and consistently display PRIDE both in and out of lessons can study away from the academy site. This enables students on pre-agreed times to perhaps arrive to school later or leave before the end of the usual school day. This gives our students increased independence, preparing them for the world of work or higher education, whilst also ensuring that high levels of support are in place where needed. Home study is handled on a case-by-case basis and must be agreed with parents/carers before it can proceed; permitted study away from the academy site will not affect your child’s attendance figure. However, should any student fall below the standards we expect of our sixth form students this privilege will be revoked. There may also be other times when students have mock exams or enrichment visits where home study will be postponed, however students will be made aware of this in advance. We also reserve the right to withdraw this privilege should we deem it necessary for progress, safety or cultural purposes.