Exam Results days for Summer 2025 are as follows:
Please collect exam certificates for Summer 2025 from reception in December 2025
The timetable of all subjects can currently be found on the relevant exam board websites below:
Only in ‘exceptional circumstances’ are candidates allowed special consideration for absence from any part of an examination. It is essential that medical or other appropriate evidence is obtained on the day by the candidate/parent and given to the Examination Officer without delay.
All students have been issued with their own individual timetable showing your child’s specific examinations with details of date, time, and duration of the exam. If for any reason they do not have access to a timetable they must speak to Miss Dunnett in the exams office.
Contact numbers
Please check that the academy has at least one up-to-date contact number for you.
Make sure your child has all the correct equipment before their examinations. Only black pens are permitted for written work. Pencil can be used for drawings. Scientific calculators for Science and Maths exams.
A copy of the “Notice to Candidates”, which is issued jointly by all the Examining Boards, is displayed inside and outside of the examination room. All candidates must read this carefully and note the academy does not decide, nor even make any recommendation to the Examining Boards on sanctions or penalties, but from past experience, students can be disqualified from the exam or disqualified from all exams for that season for any misconduct or for bringing a mobile phone or any electronic storage device in an examination.
Attendance at examinations:
Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at the academy on the correct day and time, correctly dressed and equipped. Candidates must arrive 10 minutes prior to the start time of their examination. Candidates who arrive late for an examination may still be admitted but will not receive any additional time.
Notification of results will be available for collection on the following dates:
Post results Services for re-marks information can be found within the following link:
If you wish any other person (including family members) to collect your child’s results on their behalf, the student/parent must give their written authorisation to the academy before results day.
No results will be given out by telephone under any circumstances.
Certificates will not be given to anyone other than the candidate without the candidate’s written authorisation. If the candidate supplies the academy with an SAE we will post out the certificates.
The academy is only obliged to keep certificates for a period of one year after issued. If candidates do not collect their certificates within this time (or if they lose their certificates) they can only be replaced by direct application to the appropriate examination boards. This will require proof of identity (such as a birth certificate) and a substantial fee per examination board.
An exam survival quick checklist:
The academy uses the following examination boards: AQA, Edexcel, WJEC and OCR.
If you have internet access at home please look at the following web addresses. They have useful hints and tips and revision guides, on how you and your child can get the best out of taking exams:
If you have any queries or concerns about your child’s exams, please contact the Exams Officer, Miss A Dunnett on 01902 623111.