GCSE Geography field studies

Dear Parents and Carers

Fieldwork is an important part of the AQA Geography specification and is part of component 3: Geographical Skills. To enhance your child’s learning, all students are required to undertake two field studies to further explore the topics of ‘Rivers’ and ‘Urbanisation’. This field study will then be used as basis for their paper 3 Geography examination as part of their Geography GCSE. The first trip, ‘River field work’, will be taking place on Monday 7th April 2025.

Students will visit Carding Mill Valley in Church Stretton, where they will carry out fieldwork to investigate changes in river channel characteristics along the course of the river. Students will depart the Academy at 9:00am and return for approximately 4:00pm. Students will have an opportunity to develop understanding of the kinds of questions that can be investigated through fieldwork in river environments. They will also have an opportunity to develop question(s) based on their location and the task.

I have included a list of the items that students will need to bring with them on the day:
· Wellington Boots if your child has them, if not trainers.
· School PE Kit with a warm coat
· Packed lunch. Students who are on Free School Meals will have a packed lunch provided
· Drinks to stay hydrated throughout the day
· Any medication your child requires, please be aware if your child does not bring the medication identified we may be unable to take them.

As the field study is a mandatory part of the course, the academy will subsidise the cost of the visit. Please complete the attached medical form and return to either Miss Bagshaw or Mis Ullah.

Yours faithfully,
Miss S Bagshaw