Dear Parent/Carer
There will be a day trip on 11/07/23 for Ormiston NEW Academy history students to the Tower of London. This will be especially rewarding for our GCSE history students who are currently studying the Elizabethan age but also for any students that have an interest in history at KS3 and KS5. It will be a wonderful experience that will enhance their personal, social and cultural development. Students will have full access to this historic sight and will experience an exclusive live-action performance.
The coach will leave the Academy at 7:15am and students will arrive back at the Academy for approximagtley 7:30pm, students will be advised to contact home when they are 30 minutes away.
All students will be required to report to reception to be registered before leaving the Academy.
Students will be required to;
Please find attached payment information and the consent form that gives information about the cost and payment terms. If you would like your son/daughter to attend, please complete the attached consent form ensuring payment is made as per the information and returned by Friday 26th May.
Information for parents/carers:
Trip Leader: Mr P. Peacock
The cost for the trip is £28.00
In the event of a student cancelling or withdrawing from the trip for any reason, once the booking has been made, please note that we will be unable to refund any monies already paid for the trip and the remaining balance will still need to be paid in full,
Payment for the visit may be paid by cash or cheque and payment must be taken to the Finance Office, who will issue your son/daughter will a receipt of payment.
A total amount of £28.00 (non-refundable) must be paid by Friday 30th June.
The Academy aims to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for every child or young person. To help us do this, please note the following important information: All questions on the consent form must be completed and signed by the parent/carer before any child takes part. Parents/carers must ensure they notify us of any changes to the information given on the form. Parents/carers must make arrangements for their child to be brought to and from the activity safely and on time if outside of the academy day. If a parent/carer is not able to collect their child, they need to let us know in advance who will be doing so. We cannot take responsibility for any damaged clothing and/or personal items during the activity. Parents/carers should ensure their child has sufficient water, food, clothing, sun lotion and medication (where appropriate) for the duration of the activity. If your child displays any COVID symptoms prior to the acitivity they MUST be kept at home. If your child displays any COVID symptoms during the activity, parents/carers will be expected to collect their child. |
Yours sincerely,
Mr Peacock