ONEWA students receive their A level results

Students at Ormiston NEW Academy are celebrating today after receiving their A Level and applied general results. The sixth form students at Ormiston NEW Academy, which is sponsored by Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT), have achieved excellent results which reflect the hard work and commitment they have shown throughout their studies.

Some great results were achieved by Maia (B, B, C in A Levels), Lily (B, C, C in A Levels), Sanjay (D*DD*) and Sukhpal (D*DD*). Some of the university choices being Birmingham City University, Leeds and Gloucester University.

Craig Cooling, Principal at Ormiston NEW Academy, said:

“We are absolutely delighted with the performance of our year 13 students at Ormiston NEW Academy. I am immensely proud of the resilience and determination demonstrated by all. I am very honoured to have followed their journey and wish them all the success for their future.

“The academy values of Pride, Endeavour and Collaboration are at the heart of everything we do, and students leave NEW Academy ready to be successful in their next stages in life.  All of this success is not possible without the dedication and support from every member of staff at the school, and I would like to thank them all.

“But, as I always say, we aren’t done yet, there is still work to do and my staff and I won’t rest until our sixth formers realise their hopes and ambitions and we remove every barrier to attainment.”

Matt Weston, Head of Sixth form reported:

“Our results this year are pleasing. Our teachers and students have worked as a team to produce a set of results that we can all be proud of. The students can move on to the next stage of their journey with their heads held high.” 

Ormiston NEW Academy also has an Open Day on Thursday 28th September and Saturday 30th September for any families wanting to learn more about joining year 7 in September 2024 or our Sixth Form now. The doors will be open from 6.00pm–8.30pm on Thursday and 9am until 12 on Saturday. No need to book, just turn up.

If you are a year 11 student and would like to consider joining us in the sixth form in September, email: [email protected] as soon as you have your GCSE results on Thursday 24th August or alternatively visit the website on