We are looking forward to welcoming you to Y11 Parents evening tomorrow.
I am writing to inform you of an initiative we are starting tomorrow with Year 11 students.
As of this week, the academy will be using a “rank order” system for pupils (and parents) to be able to monitor and assess their learning behaviour profile. This system will place all the children in an order based against a series of categories including effort with independent learning, and presence and behaviours in school. We have observed “rank order” being used in other schools and are convinced that it will develop the academic ethos of our school even further.
We will therefore be rank ordering the students, as a result, in the following categories:
Punctuality to school and lessons
Use of SPARX maths
Use of Carousel
Homework completion
Behaviour and achievement points
The overall rank order list will be available for all parents and student to see at Parents’ Evening. On this occasion, your child’s name will be anonymised and a code will be given to you so that you can view the your child’s place in the table.
We believe this will empower parents to understand and influence the academic position your child is in, given that we have 3 months until the beginning of their external examinations.
Both myself and Mrs. Warner will be available at Parents’ Evening to be able to discuss this further, should you have any questions.
Yours sincerely
Mr. Cooling