Year 11 ‘Fish and Tips’ Evening

Dear Families,

I would like to invite you and your child to our ‘Fish and Tips’ evening, on Wednesday 19th March, from 5.00pm until 6.30pm.

The event will be an opportunity for you to find out ways you can help your child through the upcoming exam season by supporting them with revision strategies and exam preparation at home. We will be serving a fish and chip supper at the start of the evening, followed by short presentations from English, mathematics and science staff who will share tips with you that are specific to their subject areas. We will also have a study skills support booklet for you to take away, a short presentation on how to support your child with their mental health through this stressful time and an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

Please indicate on the slip here if you can attend this important event, so we know how many to cater for, and return it to your child’s form tutor by Wednesday 12th March.

Yours faithfully
Mrs Everitt-Smith
Assistant Principal – Standards