GCSE Geography field studies

GCSE Geography field studies

I am writing to inform you of about the upcoming visit by our Year 11 Geography students to complete their field work on Tuesday 9th April 2024. As part of Component 3: Geography Skills, students are required to undertake field studies to further explore ‘Urbanisation’. This field study will then be used as basis for their paper 3 Geography examination in the Summer Term.

Students will visit Birmingham city centre to explore the development of the city and the impact of urbanisation.  Students will depart the Academy at 8:45am and return for approximately 4:00pm. Students who use the school mini bus will need to make alternative arrangement to get home. Students will be remotely supervised during this visit.

I have included a list of the items that students will need to bring with them on the day.

  • Suitable footwear for the activities listed above
  • School uniform with a warm coat
  • Packed lunch or money* for food, students who are on Free School Meals will have a packed lunch provided
  • Drinks to stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Any medication your child requires, please be aware if your child does not bring the medication identified we may be unable to take them.

As the field study is a mandatory part of the course, the Academy will subsidise cost so students only need to pay the non-refundable amount £12.00 per student. However, we would welcome any contribution no matter how big or small towards the cost. Should you require financial support with the cost of this trip please contact our finance team at [email protected].

I have attached a Medical and Dietary consent form that will need to be completed in full and returned to the Academy Finance no later than Friday 15th March .

Students are reminded that their behaviour prior to the visit must be exemplary in order to attend. We reserve the right to remove a student up to and including the day of the visit if their behaviour poses a cause for concern.    

If you have any concerns about this or further queries that I have not covered, please contact me at school and I will endeavour to answer your questions.

Yours faithfully,
Head of Geography